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Sibling Support

By Their Side supports the advocacy of siblings by offering information, resources, and guidance. In addition to providing consultation to address specific needs, By Their Side serves as "local eyes and ears" for siblings, providing update reports following regular contacts, and follow--up to address concerns.

Recognizing adult siblings' need for information and support, in 2014 By Their Side began work with the Maryland Developmental Disabilities Council, the Arc Maryland, and interested siblings to explore needs and options. This collaboration launched the Maryland Sibling Network on Facebook. The Maryland Sibling Network connects adults who have a sibling with an intellectual/developmental disability with other siblings to ask questions, gain Maryland specific information, vent, offer support, and network. In 2014, the Maryland Sibling Network hosted several sibling panel discussions to bring siblings together to explore issues, local social gatherings, and launched the Maryland Sibling Network Facebook page as a source of information and to provide a private discussion group. Register with the Network for updates about the upcoming Statewide Sibling Conference and related events. 

State Resources



Maryland Sibling Network The Maryland Sibling Network on Facebook helps adults who have a sibling with an intellectual/developmental disability to connect with other siblings to ask questions, gain Maryland specific information, vent, offer support, and network. Register with the Network for updates about the upcoming Statewide Sibling Conference and related events.


Sibshops offer peer support and information in a recreational setting for siblings age 8-13. Sessions are offered at various times throughout the year by trained facilitators. For more information , contact the organization nearest you.

The Arc of Baltimore

The Arc Frederick County

Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital (Baltimore City/County)

National Resources

Sibling Leadership Network is dedicated to advancing causes important to the millions of siblings of people who have disabilities. The Network website can connect siblings to resources and other siblings in their own age.

Sibling Support Project is a national effort dedicated to the life-long concerns of brothers and sisters of people who have health, developmental, or mental health concerns.

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